Weekend again!!!

23.00 pm.BJD in progress

22.00 pm.Cloth & Clay doll in progress.....

9:00 am .This morning,feel like drawing ...
10.30 am
While waiting for clay to dry....I made this baby body..so cute!


Papillon Bleu said…
I will ad you to my doll artist list on my own blog!
Your dolls are fabulous!!!!!
She's so cute! I love the faces on all your dolls:)
SophieArtDoll said…
Dear Papillon,
Wow, that is so generous of you!Thank you so much.
Sophie :)
SophieArtDoll said…
Dear Dawn in the forest
Thank you so much for your kind comments. I don't know what to say... each face I made just came from my hand and my feeling at the time.
Sophie :)